Zainab is a successful girl who supports her family financially, but considers herself a boy in spirit, and now she has decided to undergo gender transition, but in addition to her family's opposition and the society's inappropriate view of this issue, she has more difficulties There is something more important to come. She, who played in the country's national volleyball team for a while and is now in the Bartar league, if she does this, she will be removed from professional volleyball forever due to her short stature compared to men, and not only will she lose her professional future, but also her livelihood and her family who are under her care will be in trouble.

Runtime: 13 minutes, 10 seconds
Best Viewed: Any Screen / Cinema Presentation / Projection

Director Biography - Iranmehr Salimi
Born in June 1994
MA in animation directing from Tarbiat Modares University
BA in television and digital arts from Iran Broadcasting University
At the age of 14, she started learning painting and at the age of 19, she studied for a bachelor's degree in television and digital arts and completed a master's degree in animation directing.

University teaching experience
The winner of Iran's student painting competition at university 2012 with a few years of experience In animation, motion comics and television projects as a freelance artist.

Unnamed was the first experience of writing and directing.

Director Statement
Every day, as hundreds of children are born around the world, thousands of dreams are born, but many stories will never have a happy ending. Not for lack of effort and perseverance, but simply because of the condition's others impose on them with wrong regulation. I hope that with this film I can be the silent voice of one of these thousands of dreams.

Credits & Specifications
Iranmehr Salimi, (Writer, Director, Producer)
Zahra - Jesmani, (Writer)

Completion Date: June 13, 2022
Country of Origin: Iran, Islamic Republic of
Country of Filming: Iran, Islamic Republic of
Language: Persian
Shooting Format: Digital, 4K
Aspect Ratio: 16:9

Michael Workman

Michael Workman is a choreographer, language, visual and movement artist, dance and performance artist, writer, reporter, and sociocultural critic. In addition to his work at the Chicago Tribune, Guardian US, Newcity magazine, WBEZ Chicago Public Radio and elsewhere, Workman is also Director of Bridge, an artistic collective and 501 (c) (3) publishing and programming organization ( His choreographic writing has been included in Propositional Attitudes, an "anthology of recent performance scores, directions and instructions" published by Golden Spike Press, and his Perfect Worlds: Artistic Forms & Social Imaginaries Vol. 1, the first in a 3-volume series, was released by StepSister Press in October 2018 with a day-long program of performances at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. Most recently, two of his scores were accepted for publication in a special edition of the Notre Dame Review focusing on the work of participants in the &NOW Festival of Innovative Writing.

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