Bridge Volume 24, Number 1




Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Michael Workman
Architecture David Sundry
Couture Kristin Mariani
Dance & Performance Art Michelle Kranicke
Poetry Spencer Hutchinson
Fiction Meghan Lamb
Philosophy Mark Tschaepe
Visual Art Laura Kina

Cover Image: “Anni and Josef,” paint on canvas, 50 x 50 in., 2023 by Jean Frater 2023. Image courtesy the artist.

CONTENTS (In order of first appearance)
Letter from the Editor - Michael Workman

QUIET CHICAGO - A photography exhibition-in-print by Catherine Gass
POETRY - Lawrence Bridges, Vita Lerman, Suzanne O'Connell, Tara Betts, Iris Orpi
FICTION - Zach Braunschweig, Brandon North, Mathew Goldberg
VISUAL ART / FEATURE - "God Damn! 30 Years of Chicago Asian American Artist Collectives" by Laura Kina & YoungSun Choi
HOME SICK - a photography exhibition-in-print by Kathryn Rodriguez
COUTURE - "Letters" by Kristin Mariani w/Dianna Frid; Photography by Mariani & Joerg Metzner
INTERVIEW - "Alternate Futures" with Marshall Brown by Michael Workman
PHILOSOPHY - "Discomfiting Crowns" by Mark Tschaepe w/artwork by Sirena LaBurn
OUTCRY - a photography exhibition-in-print by Whitney Bradshaw


Fiction title page illustrations by Maura Walsh; interior illustrations by Michael Workman

"Women Work" gatefold section designs by Sara Tack

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