THIS WEEK’S FEATURED FILM PRESENTATION: "love and otherwise existing with winnie the pooh” (Oct 6-Oct 13)
An experimental adaptation of winnie the pooh exploring mundane queerness, friendship and lingering.
I categorize this video as playground absurdism which is a term I created to describe my feature film work. It is an approach to filmmaking that is rooted in absurdist ideology and harnessed using the ethos of a child. Masked with silly plots and characters, time serves as a vessel for exploration of the imperfections, people and spaces I hold dear.
Runtime: 1 hour, 10 minutes, 7 seconds
Best Viewed: Any Screen, Cinema Presentation
Director Biography - Walter Smits
I am a queer multimedia artist focusing on experimental video. My lens is youthful and curious, broken down into absurd collages of spontaneous language and fragmented imagery. My work critiques filmmaking structures and examines the intangibility of memory, childhood, and sexuality. Transcending these constructs via playful curiosity allows me to provide an earnest and heartfelt analysis of the ephemeral.
Credits & Specifications
Director: Walter Smits
Pooh: Lucas Kurmis
Christopher Robin: Lucas Rollo
Piglet: Erin Mackaman
Completion Date: March 1, 2023
Language: English
Shooting Format: digital
Aspect Ratio: 16:9