This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

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THE GENOCIDE HOUSE: Section II (Oct. 4-10)
Michael Workman Michael Workman

THE GENOCIDE HOUSE: Section II (Oct. 4-10)

The second of five trailers for Robert Kloss’s novel, “The Genocide House” is a viewing portal that puts on display the grim history of what dishonest people call civilization. Voices of the damned speak passages from the book over a blend of cinematic stock and archival materials optically cohered into a dusty black & white stew. 

Section II of “The Genocide House” Trailer explores the callous thoughts of a sexually malicious killer who lived in the latter half of the 19th century. 

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Michael Workman Michael Workman



‘Demi-Goddesses’ is the second essay about still dominant dark aspects of our modern society. It is conceived as a surreal anti-patriarchal thought experiment and raises important questions about gender, power, and social change, prompting us to reflect on how historical patterns of discrimination and oppression might be either repeated or overcome in a reversed gendered world. It challenges the viewer to confront their own assumptions and biases, and to consider the possibilities of a more equitable society.

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THIS WEEK’S FEATURED FILM PREMIERE: "Echoes of Pandemic” (Sept. 27-Oct. 3)
Michael Workman Michael Workman

THIS WEEK’S FEATURED FILM PREMIERE: "Echoes of Pandemic” (Sept. 27-Oct. 3)

“I want a symbolic death, that leads me in a last poetic, almost desperate act: to die with a seed stuck in my throat.” -- From the poem "Edge."

Echoes of Pandemic combines the power of video and poetry to explore the impact of the pandemic on the vibrant city of Miami. Capturing the beauty of poetry in difficult times, and painting a vivid and emotional portrait of a town in the throes of a global health crisis. “Echoes of Pandemic” is a video about the universal human spirit and the transformative power of poetry.

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THE GENOCIDE HOUSE: Section I (Sept. 27-Oct. 3)
Michael Workman Michael Workman

THE GENOCIDE HOUSE: Section I (Sept. 27-Oct. 3)

The first of five trailers for Robert Kloss’s novel, “The Genocide House” is a viewing portal that puts on display the grim history of what dishonest people call civilization. Voices of the damned speak passages from the book over a blend of cinematic stock and archival materials optically cohered into a dusty black & white stew. 

Section I of “The Genocide House” Trailer paints the disturbing portrait of white colonial expansion across North America and the subsequent extermination of the continent’s indigenous people from 1675 to the present. 

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THIS WEEK’S FEATURED FILM PREMIERE: "Pedestrian: Chicago Actualities of North Ave.” (May 24-30)
Michael Workman Michael Workman

THIS WEEK’S FEATURED FILM PREMIERE: "Pedestrian: Chicago Actualities of North Ave.” (May 24-30)

Pedestrian is an archivization of North Avenue from Claremont to Damen, from September 2021 - March 2022. This is a first-person visual documentation of one route through Chicago. This is an experimental film composed of multiple videos and audio that come together to make up one timeline showing showing multiple perspectives and experiences through the seasons.

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THIS WEEK’S FEATURED FILM PREMIERE: "Inbetweenness” (May 17-23)
Michael Workman Michael Workman

THIS WEEK’S FEATURED FILM PREMIERE: "Inbetweenness” (May 17-23)

Inbetweenness alludes to the ambiguities of deterritorialization and of hybrid cultural identity. It navigates a destabilizing state of diasporic existence by reimagining and experiencing childhood home through digital mapping tools. Searching for traces of the past within satellite imagery, aerial photography, and 360 photography, Director Mona Kasra yearns for a sense of belonging to her homeland.

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Michael Workman Michael Workman


In 'MCGUNNER05' (2022), footage of Saddam Hussein’s US occupied palace is documented by McGunner05, a US soldier.

A documentary video, played side by side on screen, creates a gutter of "doubling" or "afblau". Through the facade of paired videos, an outward appearance emerges that reveals a less pleasant reality.


"While in letting things say themselves, we rest in them, while we let things say themselves….and while yet even in the establishing of facts we meet with a doubling which to some extent arises from the things themselves, in the process of intending we go from ourselves toward things. We do not thereby have a dead image of something, but we are dealing, with a living movement toward what is intended (see PG 107; PI-455-6; PG 98; PG109)."

-Brand, Gerd, The Essential Wittgenstein (Basic Books, Inc.), 24.

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THIS WEEK’S IMAGE UNION FEATURE: “‘Popular Thought” (May 10-16)
Michael Workman Michael Workman

THIS WEEK’S IMAGE UNION FEATURE: “‘Popular Thought” (May 10-16)

“Popular Thought” by Teri Yarbrow. A powerful experimental short examining the danger of religious politics, over-zealous religiousness, and religious bigotry, finding a link between the tactics of Hitler’s Germany and Ronald Reagan’s America. Repeated quotes from Jerry Falwell refer to American Christians as an “army.” Footage of an Ohio parade featuring a “Let’s Bring America Back to God” banner is shown under audio of a modified version of the American pledge of allegiance: “I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the savior who saves all. One savior, crucified, risen, and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe.”

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Michael Workman Michael Workman


Heavy Focus weaves together ideas of tactility, visibility and the body, and the material conditions of image-making. In this single-channel video, disembodied hands carefully collage and layer physical photographic prints, while other images are manipulated within a digital workspace. Drawing from a wide variety of idiosyncratic sources including architectural theory, vintage beauty tutorials, phenomenology, archaeological studies of Venus figurines, stock images and the artist’s own photographic archives, Heavy Focus explores seeing as a sensory, tactile act that plays out both tenderly and forcefully upon the body.

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THIS WEEK’S FEATURED FILM PREMIERE: "Experiment 752” (April 26-May 2)
Michael Workman Michael Workman

THIS WEEK’S FEATURED FILM PREMIERE: "Experiment 752” (April 26-May 2)

I take control of my sublime experience from outside abstract control into my own hands. The outer control is religion, state, and government. for centuries external forces controlled what is forbidden and what was allowed, thus controlling my consciousness – what I think, enjoy, and what makes me feel awe or spiritually elevated. To develop into the state of post-human, I need to shed the old restrictive skin of current thinking. The object I am trying to control, the lost ship of my mind is in its own entity.

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THIS WEEK’S FEATURED FILM PREMIERE: "Silence is Deathly Painful” (April 19-25)
Michael Workman Michael Workman

THIS WEEK’S FEATURED FILM PREMIERE: "Silence is Deathly Painful” (April 19-25)

The audio used in this work comes from an archive of recordings that were conducted by a computer program. This program listened to talk radio broadcasts across the United States from 2019-2022 and recorded what happened before, during, and after moments of silence that occurred on these broadcasts. This software generated an archive of recordings that captured the voices and ideologies of broadcasters commentating on events that happened throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

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THIS WEEK’S IMAGE UNION FEATURE: “Festival De Mujeres” (April 19-25)
Michael Workman Michael Workman

THIS WEEK’S IMAGE UNION FEATURE: “Festival De Mujeres” (April 19-25)

“Festival De Mujeres,” June 30, 1979, by Eleanor Boyer and Karen Peugh. Color video. Documentary about a women’s festival in Chicago’s predominantly Latinx Pilsen neighborhood. Salima Rivera reads several of her poems, one is an ode to Pilsen, another dedicated to women searching for their sons after the Allende government in Chile was overthrown.

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THIS WEEK’S FEATURED FILM PREMIERE: "Frustum Culling” (April 12-18)
Michael Workman Michael Workman

THIS WEEK’S FEATURED FILM PREMIERE: "Frustum Culling” (April 12-18)

A scrolling maze on shifting ground.

Conceived as a performable webpage, Frustum Culling is a prose poem of text and sound, animation and HTML. It is a guided tour through a vessel populated by ghoulish characters, each surveilling and seeking: others, objects, assets. Reflecting upon architecture, labour, and gaming vernacular, the work extrapolates the present, suggesting a coming absurd predicament.

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