NEWS: Bridge Discontinues Assembly Zones Program

Image: Assembly Zones 1.0 architect & designer David Sundry performs maintenance on a prototype information resource ticket dispensary installed at Manuel Perez Jr. Memorial Plaza, August 2022.

NEWS: Bridge Discontinues Assembly Zones Program

Due to Lack of Funding, the Attempt to Build a Potentially Life-Saving System of Low-Tech Access to Information Resources Grinds to a Halt

Despite hundreds of staff hours applying for dozens of funding support opportunities since 2018, no new support has been awarded the Assembly Zones program, either from local, state, federal or private sources. Without continued funding to prototype and develop the necessary technology for this effort, the program can no longer move forward.

“It’s a sincere shame, given the amounts of available funding for COVID recovery, that none of the dozens of funders we sought support from, as we largely funded this project out of pocket over five years, thought offering public access stations to crisis resources for people in areas without wifi or computer access was needed.” says Bridge Executive Director Michael Workman. “It’s sad that among those institutions and agencies who should have been our partners, the willingness to connect art with public service was too much of a risk. Unfortunately, default economic development formulas remain a priority for much public funding while health and wellness solutions — even though clearly and urgently needed — are not.”

We continue to believe deeply in the urgency and necessity of the Assembly Zones program, but as of Fall 2022, until sufficient new capital support is acquired, development efforts on the initiative will be discontinued. Those wishing to reach out with new capital opportunities can email us here.

Michael Workman

Michael Workman is a choreographer, language, visual and movement artist, dance and performance artist, writer, reporter, and sociocultural critic. In addition to his work at the Chicago Tribune, Guardian US, Newcity magazine, WBEZ Chicago Public Radio and elsewhere, Workman is also Director of Bridge, an artistic collective and 501 (c) (3) publishing and programming organization ( His choreographic writing has been included in Propositional Attitudes, an "anthology of recent performance scores, directions and instructions" published by Golden Spike Press, and his Perfect Worlds: Artistic Forms & Social Imaginaries Vol. 1, the first in a 3-volume series, was released by StepSister Press in October 2018 with a day-long program of performances at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. Most recently, two of his scores were accepted for publication in a special edition of the Notre Dame Review focusing on the work of participants in the &NOW Festival of Innovative Writing.

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