Bridge V20, N1


Volume 20, Number 1 of the Bridge Journal, designed by Faust, Ltd.

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Michael Workman
Architecture David Sundry
Dance & Performance Art Michelle Kranicke
Music Eric Chial
Philosophy Mark Tschaepe
Poetry avery r. young
Visual Art Andrew Schachman


Letter from the Editor - Michael Workman
Ten Questions for the Somatic Practice as Performance - Michelle Kranicke
Things Fall Apart/ New Primary Materials - Andrew Schachman
The Problem of Propaganda - Mark Tschaepe
Interview: Noothan Bharani - David Sundry

FEATURE Past the Tragedy: An Interview with Carolee Schneemann - Michael Workman

Why Go Out At All - Eric Chial
FICTION Your Second House and Cancer - Christine Simokaitis

Poetry Selections by avery r. young:
Isha Camara
Nile Lansana
Brad Buchanan
Emily Kerlin
James Grabill
Joan Countryman
Daniel Weinberg
Robert Eugene Rubino
Alex Shapiro
Sarah Payne

Visual Art Selections by Andrew Schachman:
Faheem Majeed
Mike Bancroft
Eric Ellingsen
Jeremiah Hulsebos-Spofford
Firat Erdim
Emmy Bright and Kat Burdine
Sabina Ott

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